mini storage buildings
12 Sep, 2019

If you’re looking for a turn-key business opportunity, you can’t go wrong with mini storage buildings. Mini-storage buildings can be used to store vehicles, out-of-season landscaping equipment, holiday items, furniture, and more. There’s always a demand for extra storage. Of course, a mini storage building is also a significant investment. Before you begin, there are things you should know about buying or building steel mini-storage buildings.

Location: Where Do You Want Your Storage?

Mini-storage units are all about visibility and convenience. When placing your mini-storage buildings, look for areas with high traffic. Most people look for mini-storage properties that are close to where they live.

Cost: How Much Will It Cost?

The cost of your mini-storage building is going to vary depending on the size and design. A single-story mini-storage will be cheaper than a multi-story mini-storage but won’t give you the flexibility of a larger building. Assess how much space you think you need, and how much land you have to build on.

Market: What’s the Competition Like?

In the area where you want to build, you need to perform a local market analysis. How many competitors are there? How many people live within a certain radius of the facility? You want to make sure that the market can support another storage shop. If there are already multiple self-storage buildings in the area, another one may be a hard sell.

Expertise: How Will the Project Be Handled?

Mini-storage buildings require expertise. It’s like building a business: you need to plan for everything, from the foundation to the marketing. Financial, construction, and design professionals will be able to help you create a reliable business plan. Storage Building Central has the best professionals to erect mini-storage buildings, at the quickest time possible.

Management: Who Will Manage Your Project?

When working with a storage building provider, you’ll be able to work with an individual project manager. These individual project managers will be experts in building installation, having years of experience in storage buildings. It’s always best to have an expert to help you with a project this intensive.

Financing: How Will You Finance the Project?

Most people won’t be paying for their mini-storage buildings in cash; it’s better to leverage financing. Buying a mini storage building through financing means that you can keep your other assets liquid while purchasing your storage buildings easily.

When financing through us, you have no interest if paid in full within 12 months. There are also options for a reduced interest rate at 9.99% for 103 months, and a reduced interest rate at 9.99% for 120 months.

Foundation: How Will You Install the Foundation?

Apart from the building itself, you need to concern yourself with foundation and flooring. Foundation is critical for any large structure; otherwise, it can sink and break apart. Flooring is another consideration, as it has to be stable and robust. Generally, the foundation isn’t included with the development itself, so it has to be planned separately.

Buy Quality Mini Storage Buildings at Storage Building Central.

With over 20 years of experience, our mini storage buildings are tested and proven. Our clients choose us for our storage building expertise, quick delivery, and high-quality products.

As a nationwide supplier of the storage building, we’re able to provide the products that our clients want fast and affordably while advising them on the right buildings for their needs. Contact our building specialist today on +1 (844) 315-3151 to find out more.