Self Storage Building
15 Apr, 2022

Spring is On the Way, So It’s Time to Clean Self-Storage Buildings!

Springtime is on the way. Green grass, blooming flowers, and fresh air – all the good features of this time of year – and one feature that isn’t as much fun – spring cleaning! Cleaning your home in the spring is traditional, but don’t forget that your storage buildings need spring cleaning too.

Prefab storage buildings are the perfect solution for storing your belongings, whether you’re looking for somewhere to keep your business-related items or whether you’re trying to declutter your space. Perhaps you’re between permanent moves, or maybe you just have too many items to keep in your property. Whatever your needs, metal storage buildings will tick all your boxes.

However, problems can arise if you don’t remember to clean your storage building, particularly if you’re using it to store items in the long term.

Why Should I Clean My Storage Building?

You may never have thought about cleaning your storage building before. However, it’s surprisingly important to make this a regular task. We clean our homes on a regular basis because of dust build up on surfaces. The same dust builds up on items kept in storage. Nobody wants dust to spoil their prized possessions, so stopping dust accumulation couldn’t be more vital.

Top Tips for Cleaning Your Storage Building This Spring

Mini storage buildings need cleaning both inside and out on a regular basis. So, here, we look at some top tips to make sure yours stays in good condition both inside and out this spring.

First, let’s look at cleaning tasks inside your storage building:

  • Reorganize – organization is always important in any storage building, and it builds up just as easily in a storage building as inside your home. Although out of sight may seem to be out of mind, it’ll soon become obvious that your storage building is too crowded if you don’t declutter regularly.
  • Declutter – you need to look for ways to keep your storage space in a tidy condition. Be ruthless this spring and get rid of any items you don’t need or that you’ll never use again. That will ensure you have enough room in your building for the items you need to put in there over the year to come.
  • Use boxes to keep things properly organized – storage boxes are a great way to organize your items. Label each box so that you know what’s in there, so you don’t struggle to locate specific items when you need them in a hurry.
  • Keep some cleaning supplies on hand – it makes sense to keep cleaning supplies on hand in your storage building so that you don’t need to bring them in every time you do a spring clean. Keep some key items in a cabinet onsite so you can have quick and easy access to them whenever you need them.
  • Air out your storage building – if your building never gets aired out, it could start to smell musty, and that could transfer onto your stored items. Furthermore, failing to air out your space could result in moisture and mildew build up that could damage your belongings.
  • Clean your employee area – if your storage building is also used for trading as a business, you may have an area dedicated for your employees. Make sure that you clean those areas regularly so that they remain clean, hygienic, and tidy for your workers to use.

There are also some cleaning tasks to do outside your storage building. Remember that winter is harsh on your facility, whatever climate you live in.

Whether the sun is baking hot or you experience sleet and snow, you need to remember that all storage facilities bear the brunt of the environment that they’re located in.

With that in mind, you need to find ways of protecting and restoring your doors, landscaping, and buildings from the winter weather, so here are some tips:

  • Consider curb appeal – It’s especially important to ensure your storage building still has curb appeal if it is being used for business purposes. Check the landscaping areas around your building and ensure that any grass is cut and bushes and plants are trimmed. You may need to clean and spruce up your windows and doors so that your building looks attractive to anyone visiting the facility.
  • Check the roof – The winter weather may have caused damage to the roof of your facility. Make sure that your roof is intact and that there are no leaks, and carry out any repairs as necessary.
  • Check your doors – Make sure that the doors still open and close with ease and that the lock mechanism works perfectly so your property remains safe and secure at all times.
  • Add some color – Why not consider adding some color to your door or the outside of your building to give an attractive and smart feel for the new spring season. It’s the perfect way to bring your storage facility up to date.

Buy a Self-Storage Building Today from Storage Building Central!

A self-storage building is an ideal solution for so many purposes. Perhaps you need a safe and secure place to store items that don’t fit in your current home? Or perhaps you need a convenient building from which to run your business or trade? Whatever your requirements, a self-storage building from Storage Building Central is the ideal option.
Designed to be strong, safe, and reliable, self-storage buildings from Storage Building Central are secure and built to last. Made from the highest-quality materials, you can be confident that they’ll stand the test of time.

You’ll also benefit from the very best customer service from the professional team at Storage Building Central. As a leading supplier of high-quality prefab storage building kits in the USA, Storage Building Central should be your first port of call for all your storage facility needs.

Contact us now at +1 (844) 315-3151 to find out more and to make your purchase!